Bio: DC relocated to Millville, NJ in January 2006. He was pretty confused before that and now can hardly find anything at all and still has a whole shop full of junk to move. Prior to this he lived and worked for a long time in Trenton, NJ in the art business and before that he did a lot of other similar things of little interest to anyone else…
Comment: The point is that I am increasingly less interested in my own past- what went before is a really mixed bag. I think what is important is the present and the idea of looking for answers, working, and finding ways to grow and change. Ironically I am incorporating nostalgic (box full of yard sales, stuff from the attic) elements in my sculpture. I see in myself and in others a tendency to hoard, to collect, to acquire, and it may be just from self-preservation that I am trying to put some of it back into the work and get rid of it- sink or swim… And no more yard sales, flea markets, auctions, 2nd hand stores, whole house clean-outs, and don’t even think about bringing me anything!
Observation: There are lots of artists out there and a few more or less isn’t going to have any impact at all; remember- many people hate the whole idea of art and despise all artists of any kind. Where did we all come from and where are we going? I don’t pretend to know! I used to think that some went off to college, studied philosophy and figured they had a better chance of making it as an artist- but that was before the era of the computer- or they had a trust fund or a sugar daddy or momma. How did I get involved in this sculpture and art circus? First- I started looking at it way too young (Keep the kids away), a weak mind, a strong (used to be) back, lots of energy and other character defects (such as associating with “creative” people and being unduly influenced by them) and not learning to say no- in short, I was just doomed.
Image: I see thousands and thousands of artistic souls clamoring for attention all over the place; “Me, me, look at me, see what I have done, isn’t it great, aren’t I wonderful, show my work, support me, buy my art, give me a grant, give me a commission, wipe my nose, my work is bigger better newer more cutting edge than anybody’s, give me a job, give me a residency, loan me this or that, listen to my theory”… They are climbing all over each other in a giant melee, scrambling up a bunch of overcrowded ladders which periodically collapse and fall all over the groundlings who are moshing around in the pit below trying to set up more ladders to climb. A few get to hang by their arms and legs from suspended rings or bars until they tire and fall back into the swarm… and once in a while, one ascends to a higher platform where they bask in sunlight forever, sipping cool drinks, attended by a bevy of adulatorous critics, collectors, curators, thieves, relatives and benefactors, as gold pieces fall from the heavens into overflowing chests around them. Does it sound like a Canto from the Inferno? A picture from Breughel? A scene from a Kafka story?
Conclusion: I think I came to a conclusion but I can’t find the page I wrote it on- you figure it out! Meanwhile, enjoy the web site and (with me) try to give some respect to the focus and energy in all of our work.
Comment: The point is that I am increasingly less interested in my own past- what went before is a really mixed bag. I think what is important is the present and the idea of looking for answers, working, and finding ways to grow and change. Ironically I am incorporating nostalgic (box full of yard sales, stuff from the attic) elements in my sculpture. I see in myself and in others a tendency to hoard, to collect, to acquire, and it may be just from self-preservation that I am trying to put some of it back into the work and get rid of it- sink or swim… And no more yard sales, flea markets, auctions, 2nd hand stores, whole house clean-outs, and don’t even think about bringing me anything!
Observation: There are lots of artists out there and a few more or less isn’t going to have any impact at all; remember- many people hate the whole idea of art and despise all artists of any kind. Where did we all come from and where are we going? I don’t pretend to know! I used to think that some went off to college, studied philosophy and figured they had a better chance of making it as an artist- but that was before the era of the computer- or they had a trust fund or a sugar daddy or momma. How did I get involved in this sculpture and art circus? First- I started looking at it way too young (Keep the kids away), a weak mind, a strong (used to be) back, lots of energy and other character defects (such as associating with “creative” people and being unduly influenced by them) and not learning to say no- in short, I was just doomed.
Image: I see thousands and thousands of artistic souls clamoring for attention all over the place; “Me, me, look at me, see what I have done, isn’t it great, aren’t I wonderful, show my work, support me, buy my art, give me a grant, give me a commission, wipe my nose, my work is bigger better newer more cutting edge than anybody’s, give me a job, give me a residency, loan me this or that, listen to my theory”… They are climbing all over each other in a giant melee, scrambling up a bunch of overcrowded ladders which periodically collapse and fall all over the groundlings who are moshing around in the pit below trying to set up more ladders to climb. A few get to hang by their arms and legs from suspended rings or bars until they tire and fall back into the swarm… and once in a while, one ascends to a higher platform where they bask in sunlight forever, sipping cool drinks, attended by a bevy of adulatorous critics, collectors, curators, thieves, relatives and benefactors, as gold pieces fall from the heavens into overflowing chests around them. Does it sound like a Canto from the Inferno? A picture from Breughel? A scene from a Kafka story?
Conclusion: I think I came to a conclusion but I can’t find the page I wrote it on- you figure it out! Meanwhile, enjoy the web site and (with me) try to give some respect to the focus and energy in all of our work.